Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that commonly affects the face, leading to persistent redness, visible blood vessels, and, in some cases, small, pus-filled bumps. This condition can often be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction, or other skin issues, but it requires specific care and attention for effective management. On our comprehensive “Redness and Rosacea” page, we delve into the details of what rosacea is, its causes, triggers, and types, along with how our specialized Aerolase Neo Elite laser treatment can help manage and reduce its symptoms.
Rosacea is a chronic or long-term inflammatory skin condition that most commonly affects the central part of the face, such as the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. It can vary in severity and often goes through cycles of flare-ups and remissions. While the exact cause of rosacea is still not fully understood, factors like genetics, environmental elements, gut health, overgrowth of demodex mites, and the immune system are believed to play roles in its development.
Common Triggers of Rosacea
• Sun exposure
• Extreme temperatures (hot or cold)
• Spicy foods and alcohol consumption
• Stress and emotional responses
• Certain skincare or cosmetic products
• Exercise and heat-induced activities
Identifying and avoiding these triggers can help manage the condition and minimize the frequency and severity of flare-ups.
Types of Rosaea
Rosacea can manifest in different forms, with the main subtypes being:
1. Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea (ETR): Characterized by persistent redness and visible blood vessels.
2. Papulopustular Rosacea: Associated with redness and acne-like breakouts.
3. Phymatous Rosacea: Causes thickening of the skin, often around the nose.
4. Ocular Rosacea: Affects the eyes, leading to redness, irritation, and swollen eyelids.

Treating Rosacea with Aerolase Neo Elite
At our clinic, we use the cutting-edge Aerolase Neo Elite laser to provide effective relief for clients suffering from redness and rosacea. The Neo Elite is a versatile laser device known for its ability to target inflammation and reduce visible symptoms of rosacea safely and effectively. Here’s how it works:
• Targeting Blood Vessels: The Aerolase Neo Elite emits a 650-microsecond laser pulse that precisely targets and constricts visible blood vessels, reducing redness and the appearance of broken capillaries.
• Reducing Inflammation: The laser’s energy penetrates deep into the skin, calming inflammation and reducing redness without damaging surrounding tissues.
• Comfortable and Safe: This treatment is designed to be gentle on sensitive skin, with minimal to no discomfort during the procedure. It’s suitable for all skin types and is a non-invasive solution that requires no downtime.